Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 60 – 18th July – Bell Gorge

Awesome, awesome, awesome… has our day at Bell Gorge been.

You camp overnight at Silent Grove then drive 10km into the gorge.  More walking along a dry creek bed… 

 Then you pop out at the top of the falls (have I mentioned the word awesome yet?) 

To get down to the base of the gorge you need to cross the creek at the top.  We headed for the closest crossing but after taking one look at the giant gap Megan and I decided to head further upstream where we could wade across… 

We clambered up and down rocks and waded through a sea of spinifex to make it down to this spot… where we proceeded to spend the next 4 glorious hours exploring and swimming. 

Looking around to the left and back toward the falls 

Looking to the right there were some more falls and rock pools. 

As is typical with all gorges, the water was freezing.  The only thing that convinced me to get in was the chance to explore around the corner and further into the gorge… and it was SO worth it… We swam through a couple of waterholes and scrambled over super slippery rocks to reach the end point, this stunning view over a pretty decent waterfall. 

We dragged ourselves away from the amazing view to plunge back into the icy water to get back to our little piece of rock.  On the journey back we were super lucky to see a Water Monitor actually in the water.  At this point I will mention when we saw it we were walking on the rocks.  If I had seen a reptilian head sticking out of the water while I was swimming, I reckon I would have mastered the art of walking on water…  We waited until the lizard disappeared then we hit the water again, only to spot another three monitors sunning themselves on the rocks… so cool. 

We then managed to spend a whole lot of time playing and chatting and swimming… 

Aiden and Spidey warming themselves in the sun 

While we mucked around, Spidey worked on his rock climbing skills 

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