Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Raining Cats & Dogs!

Are there any pet lovers out there? You'll love Vicki's next kit - it's a collaborative effort with Mel and is chock full of the purr-fect elements you need to do a layout on your treasured pets. Check out both their blogs to get the full kit.

Unfortunately, we don't have either a dog or a cat, BUT, lucky for me, there are loads of other elements in this kit to create non-pet related pages:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wild Child

More photos of Megan spreading more yoghurt over her face than she is managing to get in her mouth!

I have used my new add-on to Vicki's Wild Child kit to make this page. Check out my Sweet Blossom blog to download.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Megan vs Yoghurt

This is the full collection of photos of Megan and her first go at using a spoon:

Kits: Little bits and pieces from my stash and from Vicki's Wild Child kit

My kids

I finally got around to scrapping some photos (instead of designing)...

Kit: Shaky Kit by Nanine

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blue Lagoon

I have just posted my next kit on my Sweet Blossom blog:

Family Update

I realised the other day that I have had my head stuck in the scrapbooking world for a while now and so have been a bit remiss about providing an update on the kids. So here's a run down on what we've been up to:


She has been going to daycare for a couple of months now and is slowly but surely getting used to the whole idea. When she first started she would scream the place down when I left but the last time I dropped her off she only gave one little yell and then was happily amused by the carer. She comes home absolutely dead tired though because she still isn't really sleeping while there.

At home she has turned into quite the climber... anything that sits still for 2 minutes is fair game to be stood on! She loves to climb up on top of something then slowly get up to standing and then letting go with her hands - at which point she looks triumphantly at us expecting praise. Our one problem with this is her insistance on climbing onto the glass coffee table - I must have told her off a million times yesterday but she kept on doin' it. Any suggestions on how to discipline a 1 year old?

Megan's other big news is that she has started eating by herself with a spoon. Let me tell you it is a VERY messy process. Surprisingly she actually manages to get quite a bit of food in. She did, however, resort to using her hands the other day to finish her soup - and yes, she DID manage to get soup off the tray and into her mouth using nothing but her hands!

Here are some photos of the very first time she used a spoon to eat some yoghurt:


What can I say about Aiden? Hmmmm... he's just being Aiden. Still full-on, still 3, still pushing mummy's buttons! Noooo, it's not all bad. We went and enrolled him for school a couple of weeks back and so he's getting quite excited about starting school next year. He is still loving daycare even though his 'best friend' got moved up into the next room.

He is still 'Cars' mad - he watches the movie EVERY single day. It's pretty sad that Dave and I can recite whole chunks of the movie!

I would have liked to post a nice photo of him here but he has decided he doesn't like his picture being taken at the moment so a joint photo was the best I could do:


Dave is working REALLY hard. His plant has been shutdown for the past three months which has meant he has been working longer hours and doing something that isn't his 'normal' job. The shut was due to finish last weekend but his area wasn't ready - and he copped a major ribbing for it. Poor guy, he cops crap at work and then comes home to a stroppy wife because he's late... he's had it tough for a few months... hopefully things will be back to normal in the next week or so.


I have been teaching a couple of first year Maths classes up at Uni and am actually enjoying it (apart from the assignment marking which sucks!). You have probably noticed that my scrapbooking hobby has taken a new direction - I am now designing kits. I am absolutely loving my new hobby and have had some relative success. My best kit so far has reached a record 1150 downloads.

Mum aka Nana aka Glenise

Mum had just bought a new house in our suburb. I think settlement is in a month. We are really looking forward to having her nearby. I am already anticipating the extra babysitting she can do!

OK, sorry about the long post but now you know where we're at.

Wild Child

Do ya love funky colours? Well, if so, you just HAVE to get your hands on Vicki's latest Wild Child kit. Check out her blog here.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This page has been created using my latest kit called "Chickadee" (you can download it from my Sweet Blossom blog). The photo of Megan was taken during a trip to the playground when Oma & Opa were here.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Autumn Dream Add-On

Here's a page I have done using both Vicki's Autumn Dream kit and an add-on kit that I have designed.

Another photo taken of Oma & Opa's recent visit.

If you want the kit you can download it from my Sweet Blossoms blog.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Autumn Dream

Vicki has released another amazing kit using some beautiful, rich, autumn colours. Check out her blog here: http://vicki20.blogspot.com/

Here is my CT page done with her Autumn Dream kit:

This photo was taken right at the end of Oma & Opa's visit - it took that long for Megan to get over her cold and actually warm up to our visitors. I think it's a pretty special photo...

Monday, September 15, 2008

He Loves Her

Here is a look at the next kit I have just posted on my Sweet Blossom blog:

And here is a page I created using this kit:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Totally chuffed...

I woke this morning to discover that over 500 people have downloaded my add-on kit since I posted it about a day and half ago. When I first posted it I was stressing that no one would like it and download it - what a waste of time that was!

Sorry, I haven't got any pages to show. I have done a couple of pages for Vicki's kits so I can't show you those just yet and the rest of the time I have spent on this new design caper - I am loving it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My first kit EVER!

I have decided to have a go at designing digital scrapbook kits... and here's my very first one. It's an add-on to Vicki's "Summer Cocktail" kit (so it's just a small kit). I am loving the design process so much that I already have several more kits waiting to be released. The kits are all free but can only be downloaded from my new blog (yes ANOTHER blog!), at http://sweetblossomdesigns.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fantasy Land

Kit: Fantasy land by MP Designs

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Summer Cocktail

Vicki had just released her next kit - Summer Cocktail. I have to say it is probably one of my favourite kits that she has made. The colours are funky and the collection of elements are amazing. You can check it out here http://vicki20.blogspot.com/2008/09/brand-new-kit-summer-cocktail.html (and you can see what the rest of her CT team did with this kit).

Here are a couple of pages I have done:

Father's Day

I'm pretty sure we had one happy daddy in this household. His day started out with a sleep in (which means he actually got to sleep past 6 o'clock) and when he woke it was to a brand new cordless drill and Richmond Tigers cap. Aiden enjoyed the present opening part - even if he did insist on repeatedly telling Dave it was a drill before he'd even opened it. 2 days earlier he had informed Daddy that we had bought Grandad a hat with a tiger on it (Grandad is a Dockers supporter so the only person we would have bought a Tigers hat for was Dave... so there went that surprise).

Anyhow, it was a nice start to the day. We were then joined by Grandad and Grandma for a pancake breakfast - where Grandad got his cap too - the one WITHOUT the tiger!

Friday, September 5, 2008

What's going on?

It's been 4 days since I last posted... I'm getting a bit slack!

Not really, I have actually been busy doing some pages that I can't post just yet and I've also been dabbling in a bit of design stuff... so stay tuned to this station.

Anyhow, I do have one page to show you. It is using a kit called 'Think Pink' which Vicki was a collaborator on. The kit is in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness. You can get it for free just by subscribing to the Scrap 'n Art magazine - the Sept/Oct issue is out now and is a massive 102 pages!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

Vicki has finally released her long awaited kit called, you guessed it, Boys Will Be Boys! If you go to her blog http://vicki20.blogspot.com/2008/09/boys-will-be-boys-papers-and-ct-los.html you can get the first instalment. Best of all, Vicki is so generous she gives her kits away for free. So if you're a long time digiscrapper or just want to give it a try, head over and check out the kit and also check out some example pages done by her talented CT team.

Here are a couple of pages I have done using this kit:

Thanks to Cass for letting me scrap her adorable boy...

I've been busy...