Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some pages

Yeah, yeah, I know, I've been bad at keeping up with this blog. I hope you've figured out by now that all the action is happening on my Sweet Blossom blog. As of this morning I have had 100,000 hits on that blog. Yep, you read that right, 100,000!

Anyhow, I am posting a heap of pages for you to look at. They're all on my other blog so you may have already seen them.

This is my latest kit called Happiness. I created it specially to scrap our wedding photos.

More pages

This photo is Aiva, one of our mum's group kids. She's a couple of months older than Megan.

An old photo of Megan (a few months old)

An old photo of Aiden (taken early last year I think)

More Pages

The first two pages are photos of the kids putting up the Christmas tree this year. Each year it's getting more and more exciting now they are getting to the age where they know that Christmas time is something special...

Photos of Aiden playing in the backyard taken a few weeks ago

Sunday, November 30, 2008


...long time no post! Sorry about that. Things have been a bit busy here at home and with my scrappin'.

Firstly, a super quick update:

Dave: work, work, work... but he's finally got off his butt and gone back to volleyball and is enjoying it

Aiden: is doing REALLY well at swimming lessons. He had a year or so off because 1) Megan was born and 2) he was playing up at the lessons we were doing. The time off has worked wonders! He is loving the lessons, doing really well AND is well behaved!

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not but we went and got his school uniform a few weeks back. He is super excited about starting school next year.

Megan: has started swimming lessons too. She was pretty miserable for the first few weeks but for the last two lessons she seems to have got the hang of it. It is just now starting to be fun to take her to the pool.

We think she said her first sentence today and it was, "Get my shoes"... which gives you an idea of what a 1 1/2 year old thinks is the most important thing in the world... her shoes!

Megan has spent most of her time playing with Aiden's cars and it is only recently that we gave her a doll in a pram... and what do you know... she has turned all girly on us and dotes on her "Baby"! Apart from her Baby and her shoes, Aiden is still her favourite... she does whatever he does, goes wherever he goes... but still screams blue muder if he takes a toy away from her!

Me: I have just finished marking 100 maths exams for uni... yes I'm over it!

My scrapbooking has taken me to places I would never have imagined. I have been selected to join a digital scrapbooking magazine as a Digital Designer. It means I will do layouts to be published in the magazine, I will be part of designing the actual magazine pages and I will be creating digital freebies to be given away on their website... hmmm I think I'm gonna be busy. If you want to check out the magazine (it's free to subscribe) or just have a look at the forum the link is

OK, that's enough gossip, here's some pages I've done.

Photo of Megan taken October 2008

Photo of Aiden taken November 2008

Photos of the kids taken back in January 2008

Here's a couple of pages done with the latest kit I have designed... I'm pretty chuffed with how this one turned out. I've included a preview of the kit:

This is a photo of a girlfriend's daughter:

Dave and I on our anniversary:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More scrapbook pages

These layouts are all CT pages done for Nini-lolo Designs.

This photo of Charlotte was taken about a year ago (I think):

Aiden and I at the Royal Show after he got off the truck ride - he was pretty excited:
Kit: Black Gold by Nini-lolo Designs
These photos of Aiden are waaaay old - I had to go digging through my stash of photos to find christmas shots.
These photos were taken last christmas:

Kit: Bientot Noel by Nini-lolo Designs

Scrapbook pages

I love this photo of Megan - it was taken when she was in the bath a couple of weeks ago:

Kit: Candy Dreams by A Work In Progress - Designs by Vicki

The next two pages are done using the latest kit I gave designed called Surf's Up.

An old photo of Megan taken back in Janurary:

We have just bought Aiden a pair of goggles for his swimming lessons so of course he needs to wear them in the bath! And yes, he says 'gobbles'...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oui - Another CT team

I have had the honour of being selected for a third Creative Team. Laurence (also know as Nini-lolo) is a French lady who designs some pretty awesome stuff. Here are my first couple of pages using her latest kit "Envie de Douceur". It took a bit of effort for me to get this kit - Laurence doesn't speak a word of English and I, of course, wouldn't know French if it bit me in the bum! So as you can imagine, communication is a bit tricky, but with the help of Babelfish I think we'll manage!

Also - thanks to Cass for these fantastic photos of Lucas.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Layout

These photos of Aiden are his poses when he is playing catch with Dad...

Kit: 10 Novembre by Tinette Designs

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some scrapbooking pages

Here's a couple of pages I've done recently...

This photo of Aiden was taken about two weeks ago

This picture of Megan & I was also taken about two weeks ago when we rocked up at Kings Park to watch the Red Bull Air Races only to have missed ALL the aeroplanes by about 10 minutes - DOH!

Here's my current pride and joy! I made a collaborative scrapbook kit with Vicki called "Enchanted Forest". Here's a look at my part of the kit:

...and here are a couple of pages using a combination of mine and Vicki's kits:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More layouts

The first couple of pages are from my birthday. The top page has the photos of the present opening in the morning - note on the bottom photo that the kids are pointing out the wrapping paper that they decorated for me and the top photo has Megan playing with my new shoes (she LOVES shoes). The second page has our bithday dinner party with obligatory cake/candles/song.

The photos on these pages are from a couple of weekends ago when we went to Kings Park... it is a beautiful spot - hopefully we will take the kids there more often.

Some layouts

I was speaking to my mother-in-law last night and she pointed out the fact that I have been a bit slack of late and haven't posted much here... Well, I can't deny it, I HAVE been a bit slack! I have been spending pretty much all my free time on designing scrapbook stuff rather than scrapping my family photos. I have, however, done a few CT pages and pages for my kits which I've just not got around to posting. So here they are:

This is an old pic of Megan from back in January (I think):

The next two pages are photos taken about 2-3 weekends ago on an outing to the playground:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Our weekend

We had a busy one! Saturday morning we hit the shops for some serious shopping... coming home with a new portable DVD player for the kids and new bike seats.

We have been considering buying a portable DVD player for a while to help us deal with two bored children on long car trips and flights. We ended up getting one that has two screens which easily attach to the back of the car seats. Our first test run was on Saturday afternoon when we had to go up to Perth. These photos show the kids all set up - movie on and a snack box full of food - life doesn't get any better than this! Megan had this funny look on her face for a while - I think she wasn't sure what was going on... but Aiden knew he had it pretty good from the start:

Our other big purchase was a bike seat for Megan and this bike attachment thingy for Aiden. You probably think he should be riding his own bike by now... and that's what we think too... but he just wont pedal all by himself. This is a great setup for Dave and I to get off our bums and do a bit more exercise... I am imagining some riding trips to the beach over summer.

Aiden loved his setup but Megan wasn't so sure. She got quite upset when we were trying the helmet on her and when we first put her in the seat. However, once we got going and she could see Aiden on the back of Daddy's bike next to her she settled down and was happy to be there.
I have scrapped a photo taken of her when we first put her in the seat:

Monday, October 27, 2008

Father & Son

Brett & Lucas - another photo from the collection that Cass gave me:

Kit: Reflection - Digi-designs by Nicole

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cuddles for Grandad

Grandad came to babysit Megan while I took Aiden to swimming lessons yesterday morning. When we left all seemed fine... but when we got home we found Grandad sitting on the lounge with Megan fast asleep on his shoulder - and it turns out he'd been sitting there for an hour! Normally Megan comes running straight to me when I come home but she didn't even budge - she was content to stay with Grandad - lucky him...

Your Heart by Vinnie Pearce
Spring by Aprilmouse

Happy Anniversary to US!

Yesterday was our 5th wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem like much but when you realise we were together for almost 8 years before we got married (yes - I waited THAT long - LOL!) it really has been a long time that we have been a happy couple.

Mum was kind enough to come and babysit the kids so Dave and I went out for a very nice, relaxed dinner.

To my awesome, loving, tolerant, overworked husband - I love you... may we share many more anniversaries together.

Here we are all dressed up ready to go out for dinner:

Kit: QP4 Terre d'azur by Akiloune

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Mother's Love

There's not much going on here to report. I am finally feeling well but now poor Megan is sick (not really sure what with - perhaps teeth?). Aiden is in the middle of a growth spurt - food wise I can't seem to fill him up and he's waaaaay fragile and teary... Dave is still working hard...

Check out this photo of Cass & Lucas - it's gorgeous! Cass is a bit like me - she takes loads of photos of the kids but there are precious few with us mum's actually in the shot!

Kit: "Hearts & Flowers" - A Work In Progress - Designs by Vicki

Monday, October 20, 2008

The winds of change are blowin'...

I've decided to separate my two blogs rather than double post stuff like I have been doing. SO, this blog will go back to just posting stories about the kids that our family members will enjoy and also my scrapbook pages.

Posts about my kits, Vicki's kits and Nicole's kits (yep, I've just made it onto another Creative Team... more details to come on my Sweet Blossom blog) will all be done on my other blog.

Here's a page done with my latest kit:

Kit: Nature's Call - Sweet Blossom Designs by Sara