Thursday, March 29, 2007

True bliss... cuddling up to the ones you love.

Aiden & Charlotte
March 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


For those of you who have children that watch ABC Kids you will already know all about Pocoyo (the little boy in blue) and his friends, Elly (elephant), Pato (duck) and Loula (dog). Aiden loves them. Anyhow, I found these pics and thought they were brilliant...

All clear...

Received my results today from the blood tests I did last week. Glucose levels are fine which means I'm not at risk of gestational diabetes and also my haemoglobin levels were good which means I'm not anaemic. Phew...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jiggle Bugs no more...

Today was the last day of term for Jiggle Bugs and swimming lessons. Aiden & his friend Charlotte have been doing Jiggle Bugs together for about 18 months and are now too old for the class (they tower over all the younger kids) so this was the last class for ever... and ever. Aiden & Charlotte:
Although we are finished with Jiggle Bugs we will continue on next term with the swimming lessons. Things are actually getting exciting at swimming. Today was the first day I was able to stand Aiden on the edge of the pool, count to 3 then he would jump in all by himself (with me waiting in the water to bring him up for air). Will try to get some pics of his jumping action next term.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Meet Harry

I was wandering through the pet section at the shops the other day when I came across Harry. I thought the girls might like something to snuggle up to...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Family Day

Dave finally had a day off from work today so we got to spend some family time together - starting with breakfast and a walk down at the marina.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Up until a couple of weeks ago our mornings started much the same every day. Aiden would wake and start chatting to himself, tire of this after a short period of time and so start calling for Mummy - the sign it was time I had to get up. On opening his bedroom door the conversation would always go like this:
Aiden: "Daddy?"
Mummy: "No, Daddy's at work"
Aiden: "Car?"
Mummy: "Yes, Daddy's gone to work in the car"
This all changed at some point when somehow Daddy took a step down the ladder of importance and now on opening the bedroom door the conversation always goes:
Aiden: "Dump Truck? Digger?"
Mummy: "OK, go and find your dump truck and your digger"
He then goes in search of the aforementioned trucks and brings them back to play with on the change table while we take off his PJs then the conversation resumes:
Aiden: "Daddy?"
Mummy: "No, Daddy's at work"
Aiden: "Car?"
Mummy: "Yes, Daddy's gone to work in the car"

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Speed and you WILL get caught

Yesterday: Aiden & I went for a haircut which ended up costing me $70.... $20 for the haircut and $50 for the speeding fine I got on my way - bummer! I saw the multinova way too late, glanced down at my speedo which said 80 kms (I was in a 70 zone) and when I looked up it went FLASH!

Today: Just spent two hours sitting in a pathology lab doing my gestational diabetes test - will get results on Wednesday. Lucky Aiden got to spend the couple of hours at his friend, Charlotte's house. Don't know what Cass & Charlotte did to him but he hasn't stopped talking since we left their house!

Results of photo shoot to show of new haircut:

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Other recent events

Last weekend we had a surprise visit from our sister-in-law Amrit as she travelled through WA on her way home from Singapore. It was a bit of a whirlwind visit with customs taking up the first hour, travelling from the international to domestic terminal and checking in taking up most of the second, leaving us with only an hour to sit and have a chat. Nonetheless it was great to see her and catch up on some of the news of our Eastern State relies. Here is a pic of Aiden with his Aunty Amrit (please excuse the blurry photo but I had to take it quickly while Aiden was actually smiling):

On to Dave’s exciting news. As most of you know he is a mad, keen lawn bowler now and a couple of weeks back he played in the Club Championships in the novice category. Well, surprisingly (or not) he won! Apparently it was a hard fought contest in the final with Dave’s perseverance (and skill of course) winning the day. Believe me he was rather chuffed with himself! They even published the result in the West Australian newspaper for all to see. And if you think his win was just a fluke, he went out the next weekend and won his first scroungers event (scroungers is what he plays every weekend). Now I don’t have any pics of Dave all dolled up in his whites with matching Miami Vice bowling shoes but I have a pic to show you what happens every Sunday morning when he gets his gear out to go bowling:

Finally, to my pregnancy. Only 13 weeks left to go and counting, Without wanting to sound too negative I’m big, uncomfortable, have terrible heartburn, insomnia, my feet are swollen and I’m struggling a bit with the heat and humidity. I haven’t actually taken any recent photos so I can’t even show you my big belly – will resolve to take a pic in the near future.

Good Golly Miss Molly

As part of Aiden's birthday present we got a guinea pig named Molly. She is a chocolate and white shorthair and is quite a character. She is quite a chatterbox, squeeking everytime she moves around the cage and when we have "laptime" she even purrs as we pat her. It only took her a little over a week to figure out the routine of being fed her veges twice a day before she started squeeking rather loudly and persistently when I am running late. Although I am the one feeding her twice a day she is still a bit skittish and will run away as I approach but when Aiden approaches the cage (usually jumping, squealing and generally being a feral 2 year old), Molly will come to him and actually stick her head through the cage trying to see if he has anything to feed her, and if he does she will eat it straight out of his hand. Introducing Molly:
And this was Molly's home that she had all to herself until....... a whole lot of Rosie joined us. Apparently guinea pigs require companionship so we always intended on getting two. After frequenting the pet shop on a VERY regular basis over the past few weeks they finally got some more GPs in and singled out a black, red & white shorthair for us. I think they thought that Molly was quite placid so they thought this new guinea pig would be a perfect companion (little did they realise that Molly is in fact a livewire). When you look at her she has a bit of red down one cheek making her look like she has rosy cheeks, thus the name Rosie. We have only had Rosie for 3 days so it is hard to judge her character just yet but she is definitley a little more mellow than Molly. Unfortunately for Rosie she has to learn to adapt to her new home and having us humans wandering about as well as deal with the whole dominance/submissive thing the guinea pigs have to work out (apparently that is natural). So far Molly seems to be doing all the hard work of approaching Rosie who just sits there and occasionally snaps at Molly. They make the wierdest noise known as "rumblestrutting". So at this point in time I'm not sure which one will end up being the dominant pig.
Here are some pics of the first meeting between the girls (Rosie on the left, Molly on the right):

On to a little side matter, I will say this on public record only once - I am an idiot! Yes I know you find it hard to believe... Anyway, I worked out the reason it was taking so long to upload the additional photos was because I had forgotton to reduce them in size so I was comparing the time to upload a 2MB photo with uploading a 100kB photo - DOH! So as you can see this post actually has more than one photo.

First blog ever!

I've finally decided to join the wonderful world of bloggers - mainly so I can keep family better updated on what we're up to. So here goes with my first blog (it may be a long one since it's the first).

Obviously the most exciting event of recent weeks was Aiden's 2nd birthday. With Dave working ridiculous hours on the shutdown we really didn't have the opportunity or inclination to have a party this year. Instead it worked out that my mother's group came here on that particular week so I simply bought a cake and each of the kids took turns at blowing out the candles. Unfortunately, Aiden's blowing turned out to be more like dousing out the candles as you can see in this photo I have titled "Would you like spit with that?":

In theory I would continue our story here but for some reason when I try to upload more photos the blogger seems to just hang. So I am going to publish this and just come back and create another post.