Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A new house!

Our happy family is now the proud owner of a brand new house. We put an offer in on a house in Secret Harbour and after a small amount of haggling came to an agreement this afternoon. The reasons for the new house are:
1) Dave should keep me in the manner I have become accustomed to ;)
2) Secret Harbour is about half way between Mandurah and Kwinana (where Dave works) so it will cut down his travel time
3) Our family has grown in size so our current house just isn't big enough anymore
4) I really wanted a house with an enclosed games room so all the kids toys could be in one place and not scattered through the whole house.
This is obviously the front of the house... if you stand on the left side near the patio and look down the street then waaaaay off in the distance between two houses we have a glimpse of the ocean!

The kitchen, dining and living areas is open planTo the left of this photo is the kitchen... the room down the end is the enclosed games room (it does have doors you just can't see them here)This is what they call an 'activity area' rather than a study. The kids bedrooms are all behind the photographer
We now officially have our current house on the market so if you know anyone looking for a house send them our way!

Other news

It is official - daycare is a success! Aiden had been getting better and better each week. Today when I dropped him off he barely said goodbye before rifling through his backpack looking for his hat so he could go outside with all the other kids. There were no tears as I was leaving and the girls said he didn't cry once all day.
Unfortunately our little family didn't manage to avoid all the horrible lurgies going around at the moment. Aiden, Megan and I have all been sick with colds but poor little Megan ended up with bronchiolitis - a respiratory infection. So as you can imagine we have been a sorry sight for the past week or so.
On the job front - Dave has been unofficially given a promotion and is expecting the official notice to come through any day now. When it is all official I will write about the details.

Megan & Me

A recent photo of us...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Scrap time

Photos on both pages taken in March.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Pages I've done this weekend

Megan not looking much like a newborn anymore at 2 weeks old...
Photos from Christmas last year

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This is love...

Photo taken on Valentine's Day to send to Daddy at work

Monday, September 10, 2007

Mother & Son

Check out their eyes and the shape of their mouths - these two are soooooooooo alike!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007


A couple of photos of Megan playing with a toy giraffe that Oma & Opa gave to her.

Report #3

Aiden had his third day at daycare yesterday and I would have to call it a success! I dropped him off at about 9am and this time I left straight away. There were the obligatory tears from Aiden but one of the girls took him outside so I think they subsided pretty quickly. Although he didn't have a sleep again he lasted until I picked him up about 2.30pm. Amazingly, this morning when Aiden got up he asked if he could go to daycare. I was a bit surprised by this request so I made sure he understood that it would mean I take him there and then leave him on his own and he still said he wanted to go... oh my little boy is growing up...
In order to help Aiden settle at daycare I had made him a little book of photos of all his favourite people. The carers said it was a hit - he showed all the carers and all the kids too. When I went to pick him up he was still lovingly carrying it around.

Of course not having a midday nap meant that Aiden was exhausted by the time we got home. I (wrongly) thought that having two kids looking like the photo below would mean I would get some peace and quiet for at least an hour while they slept. NOT A CHANCE! About 5 minutes after this photo was taken Megan had a bout of colic and screamed for two hours straight and surprisingly with all the noise Aiden refused to sleep too....

Aiden likes to paint

Old pics of Aiden already posted on my blog.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Funky Girl

Megan @ 9 weeks old. The page has scanned a bit blurry because the silver flower is quite chunky.