Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Other news

It is official - daycare is a success! Aiden had been getting better and better each week. Today when I dropped him off he barely said goodbye before rifling through his backpack looking for his hat so he could go outside with all the other kids. There were no tears as I was leaving and the girls said he didn't cry once all day.
Unfortunately our little family didn't manage to avoid all the horrible lurgies going around at the moment. Aiden, Megan and I have all been sick with colds but poor little Megan ended up with bronchiolitis - a respiratory infection. So as you can imagine we have been a sorry sight for the past week or so.
On the job front - Dave has been unofficially given a promotion and is expecting the official notice to come through any day now. When it is all official I will write about the details.

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