Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 27 – 15th June

Time to pack up and leave this outback paradise… but not without one more visit to Fern Pool for a swim 

The kids completed their booklet and are now “Karijini Junior Rangers”

Off to Newman today to catch up on some washing and shopping…


Unknown said...

Thank you Sarah (?and Dave) for your wonderful photos and stories. I want to go back there! but it's such a long way. Lots of love to all of you.

Sara BK said...

Thanks Vicki... glad someone is enjoying my blog ;)

Hank & Vicki said...

And here is another one, who is enjoying your travel-experiences. I have never seen so many beautiful photos of the places you are visiting. It is certainly wetting my appetite. Keep on enjoying your trip of a lifetime and we will enjoy it with you. Maybe you should publish it love Hank