Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 45 – 3nd July – Broome

Today’s itinerary had us hitting the 4WD tracks north of Broome.  We started out on the Cape Leveque road but then turned off to follow the track that goes along the coast all the way up to James Price Point. 

The track wasn’t too bad at all so Dave didn’t bother letting down the tyres.  We are hoping the rest of the road up to Cape Leveque is much like this… 

Our first stop north of Broome was the Willie Creek Pearl Farm.  Once again there was ample opportunity to purchase more pearls…  and if you weren’t interested in buying pearls there were numerous other ways to spend your money, like tours, helicopter flights, food, etc…  

Our very first crocodile warning sign… but no sign of any crocodiles… 

Willie Creek is a really stunning spot, but it looks like crocodile country to me… 

Our next stop, at Barred Creek, was the undisputed highlight of the day.  We followed a windy, sandy track off the main road until we popped out at this beach.  

I stepped out of the car, glanced up at the water and immediately spotted a whale.  It was cruising along the coast, continually slapping his fin and occasionally jumping out of the water to flip over and land on his back.  It was AWESOME! 

We decided this was a great place to stop for lunch.  The beach was empty save for one other car and we hoped we might spot some more whales.  It turns out the other car on the beach was a family who had two kids the exact same age as our two.  Needless to say, the kids hit it off instantly and so we spent the next 2 hours chatting and playing on the beach.  Compare the photo of the beach above with yesterday’s photo of Cable Beach… which would I prefer?  Barred Creek wins hands down…

The only problem with sandy tracks is that when you stop, you’re screwed… those tyres that hadn’t been let down became a bit of a problem… 

At least our problem was easily solved once Dave had let down the tyres to the pressure they should have been at…

Our last stop up the coast was James Price Point.  Nowhere near as pretty as Barred Creek but the red rock meeting the white sand beach was a bit impressive. 

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