Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day 8 - Wed 27th May continued...

We arrived in Carnarvon, set up camp, then hit the road to do some exploring.  By the way – we have been utilising WikiCamps a great deal to determine where we will camp most nights.  So far it has served us well, including the park we are in now.  Anyone coming through Carnarvon in the near future, we can recommend the Wintersun Caravan Park.

First point of exploration was the Carnarvon Heritage Drive that takes you past the 1 Mile Jetty out to Pelican Point then back through town to the mangroves and marina.  After some of the beautiful sites, particularly beaches, we have seen in the past week, Carnarvon was a bit ‘meh’ for us.  The dirty brown water, horrible brown sand just aren’t up to par with our obviously high expectations ;)

This is the mouth of the Gascoyne River... anyone know what the fences every 50m are for?

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