Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 2 - Lancelin

We spent the first night in Guilderton... an easy drive up the coast.  Although a little chilly at 11 degrees overnight, it was better than the 7 degrees we were expecting.

Day 2 saw us pack up and head up to Lancelin.  We had a quick drive around town and found a nice jetty overlooking Lancelin Island:

We spent ages trying to spot a seal... the guys working on the fishing boat down the end said there was a small seal hanging around... but it refused to show itself to us.

Next we dumped our camper at a caravan/sea shanty town and headed for the famous sand dunes of Lancelin for some sandboarding and to try out the shiny, new GoPro:

The sandboarding was great fun.  We started on the smaller slope until we worked up the courage for the larger, steeper slope.  Unfortunately, because Megan is so light she absolutely FLEW down the slope at great speed so continued on for a mile at the bottom... straight over the rocks.  One case of serious gravel rash on her right butt cheek and one sooooo not happy girl :(

Taking our walking wounded home, we hit the showers to remove sand from bodily places were sand does not belong and managed to squeeze in a stroll down to the beach to watch the sunset.... why is it we only ever take the time to watch a sunset when we are on holiday?

Me and my boy 'glowing' from the light of the sunset...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your Go pro camera makes impressive shots! Too bad about Megan's injury - hope it doesn't spoil the fun for her