Sunday, August 3, 2008

Exciting news!

My exciting news is that I'm going back to work... if you can call two hours a week work! My old supervisor from Uni rang up and said they were short of tutorial instructors and wondered if I was interested. I initially said no because I thought Megan was a little too young for daycare but after much deliberation I decided that a couple of hours one day a week in child care ISN'T going to do her any harm. In fact, she is far more sociable/easy going than Aiden was at the same age so I think she'll actually really like it after she gets over the fact that her mother has dumped her in some strange place...

So, I'll be teaching Computation Mathematics to first year students in the computer labs. I've actually done a fair bit of tutoring in this subject prior to kids so I have a small amount of confidence that I'll know what's going on. I went to Uni on Friday to get the study notes and have a go at the first week's computer exercises and surprisingly it all just came flooding back... big sigh of relief on my behalf.

Finally, to go with all the changes I went to the hairdresser yesterday just for a trim but ended up with a whole new style. Problem is that when I got home and checked myself out in the mirror (as you do) I realised that it's very similar to the way my girlfriend, Cassie, has just had her hair done - Sorry Cass.

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