Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Weekend Away

We headed down south to Busselton for a weekend of camping and treasure hunting.

First up we headed to the beach. 

Guess who found this one?  I love these photos where you can see nothing but joy :)

Next, we went to Sugarloaf Rocks (pictured here)
We actually climbed the rocks on the left but I wanted to show this photo becasue it's the best shot showing how steep the rocks are.

This was truly a beautiful part of the world.  In the bay behind them there was a pod of dolphins lazying about.... it was magic.
These are the rocks we climbed to find the treasure.  Look at the guy fishing on the left to get some perspective.  Yep, we managed to get a 3 1/2 year old up there (mainly on Dave's back) and even Nana kept up.

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