Friday, December 3, 2010

How clever am I?

I am feeling quite pleased with myself that I thought of this title!

Most of you know that my mum retired a few months back... so I took the opportunity to get her into scrapbooking.  She started out as a complete beginner, but trust me, she has come a long way since she started!

Anyhow, we have been playing a bit of a game where we both have to scrap with the same kit so we can compare layouts.  So, under my layout I will show you hers too...

Mum's layout

My layout

Mum's layout

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Ha ha! I finally found your family blog after I lost the link ages ago :) I am absolutely LOVING the layouts and your Mum is really good at it - does she want to be on my CT? :)