Monday, May 19, 2008

Quiet time

Apart from helping mum move house AGAIN, this weekend was a relatively quiet one with two sick kiddies. Last week Megan started getting a bark-like cough when she cried, had a high temperature and was generally miserable. The chemist suspected it was croup so it was actually a relief to find out from the doctor that it was an ear infection... Unfortunately this has meant a lot of tears when three times a day I have to pump her full of antibiotics... she is however, on the mend.

Megan has recently decided it is great fun to be held upside down. She places her head in my lap and sticks her bum in the air until I pick her up like this:

This girl's on the move... Megan's walking/standing is coming along superbly - she does bog laps up and down the backyard hanging on to this Tonka truck and she is constantly trying to stand up (without hanging on to or pushing up off anything). She actually manages to stand but only stays vertical for a few seconds...
My poor boy... Aiden has some kind of lurgy and so has spent most of today feeling rather miserable. I don't think I've ever seen him this lethargic... the fact that he sat still long enough to lie on the lounge under a doona speaks volumes.
Megan's way of trying to cheer up Aiden...

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