Sunday, April 15, 2007

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

How about you, you, you
You can come too, too, too
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
I'm not sure the song actually goes anything like that but you get my drift... we went to the zoo today. It was an organised outing by Dave's work as a thankyou for the recent shutdown so we got free entry, lunch and most importantly a free icecream. The weather forecast was for rain so we thought we were doing well not getting wet all morning but sure enough when we sat down for lunch in the open picnic area the heavens opened. Unfortunately it then continued to rain heavier and heavier over the next couple of hours. Some bright spark (me) decided to leave the umbrella in the car so we all got rather wet. However, our spirits weren't dampened and we still had a great day.
The rhinos were a hit...

Dave's work had organised a couple of girls to do face painting. Some kids had cool butterflies or tigers on their faces but not our boy... he wouldn't let the girl near him and freaked out at the paintbrush. We finally coaxed him into getting this spider.

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