Monday, April 9, 2007

Blog This!

I just wanted to point out a couple of other blog pages you might want to check out. The first is the "Happy Hunters" page created by my good friend Cassie. Her page is similar to mine in that it gives you a glimpse into the lives of the Hunter family and the things they get up to. Of course I have to mention it is so similar to mine because Cassie in fact started blogging quite some time ago and I was so impressed with what she was doing I copied her idea... The following photo is of the Hunter family: Brett, Charlotte and Cassie (yes THE Charlotte that Aiden thinks the world of and asks quite frequently if we are going to see her). Since Aiden & I spend a lot of time with Cassie & Charlotte you will find Cassie's page has a few photos of Aiden too (like I have some shots of Charlotte). The link to Cassie's blog is: and you can also find this link in the 'Web Pages' section on the right hand side of my blog page (down under the pics of Aiden, Dave & I).
The next page of interest is the "Moule Family Update" blog. For those not in the know the Moules are related to us since Annemarie is Dave's sister (so all these kids are Aiden's cousins) but they live over in Melbourne along with the rest of Dave's immediate family. I would like to take my small amount of credit for this one... After sending me an email about my blog page I suggested that the Moules should have one too...and this is the result! The link can also be found on my blog page or click on:

One final thing: I would like to thank everyone who has left comments on my blog. It is nice to get some immediate feedback that you are interested in our lives. And it is also a spin out when I get comments from people I didn't expect - thankyou Willy & Chris all the way on the other side of the world in the Netherlands!

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