Saturday, April 21, 2007

This week

This week has been a quiet one. It's school holidays so we haven't had any of our organised activities on (such as swimming, playgroup, etc). Aiden's talking is still blowing us away - he seems to be saying new stuff every day. I have discovered why Charlotte's talking is so much more advanced than Aiden's - Aiden & I spent the day shopping with Cassie & Charlotte and it seems that Charlotte never stops talking!! She's obviously getting in far more practice than him!
Dave is slowly getting back into the groove of work now that the shutdown is over. I have just over 8 weeks to go until I pop. I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore - everything hurts all the time and the heartburn is driving me nuts.
You are all aware now of how much Aiden loves his cars and trucks. We've been thinking about getting one of these mats for him for a while so he would have somewhere to play with them all.
Apparently big kids like playing with cars too...

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