Monday, April 23, 2007


Many, many months ago the three of us were down at the foreshore and we decided to give Aiden a treat: his first icecream cone. Well, the event turned out to be a disaster. Aiden took one look at the icecream and clamped his mouth shut refusing to even try it. Ever since then he has shown absolutely no interest in eating icecream... until now. We were down at the foreshore yesterday having some lunch when a young girl walked past with a cone. Aiden saw her then turned to us and actually asked for some icecream! Being the kind parents that we are we obliged and believe it or not he sat and ate his icecream cone (after some demonstrating from us on how to lick an icecream). Of course I didn't have my camera with me to record this monumentous event but luckily I had my new mobile phone that takes photos. The only problem is that I have no idea how to get the photos off the phone and into my computer??? Any suggestions?

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