Monday, December 6, 2010

A fun weekend...

We've just had another chock-full weekend.  Yesterday we took the kids into the city to watch the Christmas pageant and then we went to a leisure centre/swimming pool for another work Christmas party.  Let me just say Santa delivered presents AND there was a bombie pool!  The kids AND Dave were in heaven!  I will absolutely be scrapping the photos of the boys doing bombies so keep an eye out.

Here are some photos I took of the family while we were at the pool....

Here's another layout I've done with a photo taken when Oma & Opa were here...

And I have some good news about Mum.... my friend Vicki saw Mum's layouts I had posted last week, and has asked her to join her Creative Team!  Mum was stoked!  She's since done this layout which is absolutley fantsatic... did I tell you... i taught her everything she knows! ;)

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Don't kids get their creative talent from their parents?? LOL! Glenise is an amazing scrapper - I am so glad I saw her layouts on your blog :)