Monday, November 3, 2008

Our weekend

We had a busy one! Saturday morning we hit the shops for some serious shopping... coming home with a new portable DVD player for the kids and new bike seats.

We have been considering buying a portable DVD player for a while to help us deal with two bored children on long car trips and flights. We ended up getting one that has two screens which easily attach to the back of the car seats. Our first test run was on Saturday afternoon when we had to go up to Perth. These photos show the kids all set up - movie on and a snack box full of food - life doesn't get any better than this! Megan had this funny look on her face for a while - I think she wasn't sure what was going on... but Aiden knew he had it pretty good from the start:

Our other big purchase was a bike seat for Megan and this bike attachment thingy for Aiden. You probably think he should be riding his own bike by now... and that's what we think too... but he just wont pedal all by himself. This is a great setup for Dave and I to get off our bums and do a bit more exercise... I am imagining some riding trips to the beach over summer.

Aiden loved his setup but Megan wasn't so sure. She got quite upset when we were trying the helmet on her and when we first put her in the seat. However, once we got going and she could see Aiden on the back of Daddy's bike next to her she settled down and was happy to be there.
I have scrapped a photo taken of her when we first put her in the seat:

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