...long time no post! Sorry about that. Things have been a bit busy here at home and with my scrappin'.
Firstly, a super quick update:
Dave: work, work, work... but he's finally got off his butt and gone back to volleyball and is enjoying it
Aiden: is doing REALLY well at swimming lessons. He had a year or so off because 1) Megan was born and 2) he was playing up at the lessons we were doing. The time off has worked wonders! He is loving the lessons, doing really well AND is well behaved!
I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not but we went and got his school uniform a few weeks back. He is super excited about starting school next year.
Megan: has started swimming lessons too. She was pretty miserable for the first few weeks but for the last two lessons she seems to have got the hang of it. It is just now starting to be fun to take her to the pool.
We think she said her first sentence today and it was, "Get my shoes"... which gives you an idea of what a 1 1/2 year old thinks is the most important thing in the world... her shoes!
Megan has spent most of her time playing with Aiden's cars and it is only recently that we gave her a doll in a pram... and what do you know... she has turned all girly on us and dotes on her "Baby"! Apart from her Baby and her shoes, Aiden is still her favourite... she does whatever he does, goes wherever he goes... but still screams blue muder if he takes a toy away from her!
Me: I have just finished marking 100 maths exams for uni... yes I'm over it!
My scrapbooking has taken me to places I would never have imagined. I have been selected to join a digital scrapbooking magazine as a Digital Designer. It means I will do layouts to be published in the magazine, I will be part of designing the actual magazine pages and I will be creating digital freebies to be given away on their website... hmmm I think I'm gonna be busy. If you want to check out the magazine (it's free to subscribe) or just have a look at the forum the link is http://www.scrapnart.com/news.php
OK, that's enough gossip, here's some pages I've done.