We had a very exciting moment when Megan finally took a couple of steps. The first official steps were a bit of a fluke though - she was standing and she pretty much stumbled forward rather than stepped. However, the next day she was standing with her back up against the lounge when she spotted a toy on the coffee table... she got such a look of intent on her face before she took the two steps to reach the toy. To prove it wasn't just an accident I quickly whisked her back to the lounge and she then proceeded to do it again. Our little girl turns one in a few weeks so it would be nice for her to be walking by then... but somehow I don't think she is quite going to make it.
This photo was taken about two weeks ago - it was the first time I caught her on camera having stood up from the floor all by herself. Aiden walked quite early because he didn't really care how he got up he just wanted to walk... Megan, however, seems to be more interested in mastering the art of standing before she tackles the task of walking.
More photos from this weekend:
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