What a day we've had! It all started nicely when I dragged Hank & Vicki to our local coffee haunt for morning tea. After a pleasant enough round of coffees we decided to take Aiden for a walk along the foreshore. We walked to our usual spot where Aiden likes to run up and down (and fall down) the hills. Of course Opa was required to join in the fun:

Once we had sufficiently tired out one little boy we turned for home - walking back along the waterfront to the car. Along the way we spotted a school of small fish and all four of us were peering over the edge watching the fish. It was then that I heard a yell from Opa and I turned to see Aiden plunging into the water below... having not seen him actually fall I am assuming he over balanced and fell in. Of course the mother's instinct kicked in pretty quick and I jumped in to the rescue. Luckily the water was only waist deep on me so it wasn't too dramatic a rescue. I am VERY grateful for the swimming lessons we have done for the last 18 months because Aiden didn't really panic, he knew to kick to come to the surface and he hadn't swallowed any water. The next problem however was how to get me out of the water. With a giant belly out front and no stomach muscles whatsoever I couldn't just climb out and to make it all the more difficult there were no ladders or stairs anywhere nearby. I ended up having to wade in the water for about 100m until we came to a spot where I could get out. When I finally managed to crawl out it didn't seem too bad a rescue and we could see the funny side. Here are some pics of a wet me and Aiden wearing Opa's vest with some keys on a string tied around his waist as a belt:

1 comment:
It musthave been a bit of a shock, going into the water. Itsa miracle you were not going into labour at the same time. Nice foto's, nice stories.
Love from all of us and lots of strength with that big belly of yours.
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