Interesting fact about Aiden #57: Aiden inherited from his father a rather unfortunate condition whereby he dislikes/is afraid of any amusement rides. This affliction means that he has never liked any equipment at the playground that moves under him (like a seesaw, bouncing horse, etc), he won't go near those kiddy carousel rides you see at the shopping centre where there are cars/boats/animals that simply go round in a circle or buck up and down and he certainly would never sit on a living creature...
So you can imagine how excited we were this morning when we came across some pony rides and when we asked Aiden if he would like a ride he said... (drum roll please)... "yes, please". Our confidence in him at this point was pretty low I must admit and we refused to pay the massive sum of $2 for the ride until we knew he would actually sit and stay on the horse. We were utterly blown away when he did in fact enjoy the full two laps of the pony ride. And to top it off you can see in the picture below that he had the biggest grin from ear to ear (although he did have a death grip on daddy's t-shirt for most of the ride). It was soooooooooo cool.

Our exciting day didn't finish with the pony rides...
Interesting fact about Aiden #68: he has so far shown absolutely no interest in toilet training and we are certainly not in any hurry to make him. However, he went looking for daddy in the toilet (who wasn't actually in there) and of course got side tracked playing with something in there (don't ask I'd rather not know what it was). I did my usual yell from a distant part of the house for him to get out of the toilet and when he did emerge he actually said that he wanted to do a wee in the toilet. When I recovered from the shock I confirmed this was exactly what he was trying to say then sent daddy off in a mad panic to find the special kiddy seat. Of course when I sat him on the toilet there wasn't actually any wee in sight but still it was one of those proud parent moments...
Another page - pics from when we first got Molly. It's great having two girls in the house now (the guinea pigs) because I can now use lots of flowers & butterflies on my scrapbook pages without feeling guilty about it.