Sunday, March 18, 2007

Other recent events

Last weekend we had a surprise visit from our sister-in-law Amrit as she travelled through WA on her way home from Singapore. It was a bit of a whirlwind visit with customs taking up the first hour, travelling from the international to domestic terminal and checking in taking up most of the second, leaving us with only an hour to sit and have a chat. Nonetheless it was great to see her and catch up on some of the news of our Eastern State relies. Here is a pic of Aiden with his Aunty Amrit (please excuse the blurry photo but I had to take it quickly while Aiden was actually smiling):

On to Dave’s exciting news. As most of you know he is a mad, keen lawn bowler now and a couple of weeks back he played in the Club Championships in the novice category. Well, surprisingly (or not) he won! Apparently it was a hard fought contest in the final with Dave’s perseverance (and skill of course) winning the day. Believe me he was rather chuffed with himself! They even published the result in the West Australian newspaper for all to see. And if you think his win was just a fluke, he went out the next weekend and won his first scroungers event (scroungers is what he plays every weekend). Now I don’t have any pics of Dave all dolled up in his whites with matching Miami Vice bowling shoes but I have a pic to show you what happens every Sunday morning when he gets his gear out to go bowling:

Finally, to my pregnancy. Only 13 weeks left to go and counting, Without wanting to sound too negative I’m big, uncomfortable, have terrible heartburn, insomnia, my feet are swollen and I’m struggling a bit with the heat and humidity. I haven’t actually taken any recent photos so I can’t even show you my big belly – will resolve to take a pic in the near future.

1 comment:

Amrit said...

Hee hee what a nice cheerful pix - you can see a lot of teeth! I found the visit a bit of a whirlwind too but Aiden had warmed up nicely to me by the end and it was soooooo sad to get on the plane and go away! Next time I will stop over for longer - I promise!