Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm on a roll...

I've scrapped two days in a row!

It's all in an effort to get well... I had an appointment with my ENT specialist yesterday and he spent five minutes congratulating himself for finally getting rid of my sinus infection after 3 1/2 months and then he informed me that my residual pain was all due to stress... he then spent the next half hour lecturing me about being a stress-head.  So, here I am... doing something I particularly enjoy in an effort to make me happy ;)

You know what else would make me happy?  I feel like I am talking to an empty audience.  If you're reading my blog then it would be nice to let me know you're there and leave a comment once in a while.... pleeeeeeaaaaase...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hellooooo out there!

Yes, I'm still here!  Wondering where I've been?  In one word... sick.  The last few months haven't been much fun for me...

Anyhow, I have managed a couple of pages recently and thought you might like to see them...

This one was taken on my birthday back in November:

Last weekend we were trecking through the bush doing some treasure hunting (geocaching):