Yes, yes, I know... it's been 6 months since I posted here. I have been SO busy with my scrapping stuff on my other blog that this one fell a bit by the wayside. BUT, I am back now after succumbing to incredible pressure from my inlaws :)... OK, maybe it was just a little bit of pressure!
Apparently there are some of you out there who 1) are still on dial-up internet speed so you don't want to wade through all my scrapping stuff just to see pics of the kids and 2) some of you just don't want to see the scrapping stuff! So, here's the solution. I promise when I post a page where I have used photos of the kids I will attempt to remember to post it here too. And I will try to post some family photos too.
Here's your first instalment... some photos from our little family holiday down to Busselton when Hank & Vicki (aka Opa & Oma) came to visit.
It was Aiden's turn to take home his class dog, Dopey. Dopey came everywhere with us and featured in quite a few photos.
At the place where we stayed there was an awesome bouncy cushion (a bit like a trampoline) the kids (ahem... Dave) thought it was pretty cool.
Oma & Opa watching the bouncing
Our accomodation was just across the road from the beach
You can't go to Busselton without visitng the historic jetty (this isn't it... it's right next door to this one). I managed to snap a shot of the whole family all looking at the camera which is a first.
We made a special trip to an animal park where they gave each of us a bag of food to feed all the animals... Aiden was surprisingly fearless from the start...
Megan took a long while to warm up to the idea... it wasn't until we got to the small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs that she felt comfortable.