Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It's Raining Cats & Dogs!
Unfortunately, we don't have either a dog or a cat, BUT, lucky for me, there are loads of other elements in this kit to create non-pet related pages:
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wild Child
I have used my new add-on to Vicki's Wild Child kit to make this page. Check out my Sweet Blossom blog to download.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Megan vs Yoghurt
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Family Update
She has been going to daycare for a couple of months now and is slowly but surely getting used to the whole idea. When she first started she would scream the place down when I left but the last time I dropped her off she only gave one little yell and then was happily amused by the carer. She comes home absolutely dead tired though because she still isn't really sleeping while there.
At home she has turned into quite the climber... anything that sits still for 2 minutes is fair game to be stood on! She loves to climb up on top of something then slowly get up to standing and then letting go with her hands - at which point she looks triumphantly at us expecting praise. Our one problem with this is her insistance on climbing onto the glass coffee table - I must have told her off a million times yesterday but she kept on doin' it. Any suggestions on how to discipline a 1 year old?
Megan's other big news is that she has started eating by herself with a spoon. Let me tell you it is a VERY messy process. Surprisingly she actually manages to get quite a bit of food in. She did, however, resort to using her hands the other day to finish her soup - and yes, she DID manage to get soup off the tray and into her mouth using nothing but her hands!
Here are some photos of the very first time she used a spoon to eat some yoghurt:
What can I say about Aiden? Hmmmm... he's just being Aiden. Still full-on, still 3, still pushing mummy's buttons! Noooo, it's not all bad. We went and enrolled him for school a couple of weeks back and so he's getting quite excited about starting school next year. He is still loving daycare even though his 'best friend' got moved up into the next room.
He is still 'Cars' mad - he watches the movie EVERY single day. It's pretty sad that Dave and I can recite whole chunks of the movie!
I would have liked to post a nice photo of him here but he has decided he doesn't like his picture being taken at the moment so a joint photo was the best I could do:
Dave is working REALLY hard. His plant has been shutdown for the past three months which has meant he has been working longer hours and doing something that isn't his 'normal' job. The shut was due to finish last weekend but his area wasn't ready - and he copped a major ribbing for it. Poor guy, he cops crap at work and then comes home to a stroppy wife because he's late... he's had it tough for a few months... hopefully things will be back to normal in the next week or so.
I have been teaching a couple of first year Maths classes up at Uni and am actually enjoying it (apart from the assignment marking which sucks!). You have probably noticed that my scrapbooking hobby has taken a new direction - I am now designing kits. I am absolutely loving my new hobby and have had some relative success. My best kit so far has reached a record 1150 downloads.
Mum aka Nana aka Glenise
Mum had just bought a new house in our suburb. I think settlement is in a month. We are really looking forward to having her nearby. I am already anticipating the extra babysitting she can do!
OK, sorry about the long post but now you know where we're at.
Wild Child
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Autumn Dream Add-On
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Autumn Dream
Here is my CT page done with her Autumn Dream kit:
This photo was taken right at the end of Oma & Opa's visit - it took that long for Megan to get over her cold and actually warm up to our visitors. I think it's a pretty special photo...
Monday, September 15, 2008
He Loves Her
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Totally chuffed...
Sorry, I haven't got any pages to show. I have done a couple of pages for Vicki's kits so I can't show you those just yet and the rest of the time I have spent on this new design caper - I am loving it.
Friday, September 12, 2008
My first kit EVER!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Summer Cocktail
Here are a couple of pages I have done:
Father's Day
Anyhow, it was a nice start to the day. We were then joined by Grandad and Grandma for a pancake breakfast - where Grandad got his cap too - the one WITHOUT the tiger!
Friday, September 5, 2008
What's going on?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys
Here are a couple of pages I have done using this kit: