Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Scrapbook pages

The first time Megan wore shoes - March, 2008

Easter egg hunt, 2008

Aiden & Megan playing together - March, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

My job for the weekend...

... was to plant a herb garden. This is about as flash as it gets:

Notice the red and blue parrots? They were Aiden's contribution. And by contribution I mean him begging us in Bunnings to buy them so he could play with them...

Our weekend...

... was a busy one. We finally went out and bought a shed so Dave spent the weekend erecting it. He did pretty well considering that the weather and the kids were a hindrance for most of it...

He also moved my wash line out onto the backyard since it wasn't getting any of the winter sun tucked away beside the house.

Dave's motivation for finally getting the shed is the fact that we used to have a massive 20x30 ft shed at our old house and so all the junk that used to fill it is sitting in the carport... and so his car is sitting out on the driveway. His next task is to build some shelves in the new shed and then somehow fit all this stuff into it.

He makes her laugh

Aiden playing with Megan - December, 2007

McDreamy meets McLost

Here is some eye candy for all the girls that read this blog...

i love u

Some more old photos of Aiden & Megan taken July, 2007

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Megan's first bath @ home - 5 days old

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cheese please

Journalling reads: A package arrived in the post today from Opa - it contained a big chunk of Aged Gouda cheese. It's mummy's favourite cheese and Aiden thinks it's pretty good too. If only it wasn't so hard to get. Oct, 2007.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quiet time

Apart from helping mum move house AGAIN, this weekend was a relatively quiet one with two sick kiddies. Last week Megan started getting a bark-like cough when she cried, had a high temperature and was generally miserable. The chemist suspected it was croup so it was actually a relief to find out from the doctor that it was an ear infection... Unfortunately this has meant a lot of tears when three times a day I have to pump her full of antibiotics... she is however, on the mend.

Megan has recently decided it is great fun to be held upside down. She places her head in my lap and sticks her bum in the air until I pick her up like this:

This girl's on the move... Megan's walking/standing is coming along superbly - she does bog laps up and down the backyard hanging on to this Tonka truck and she is constantly trying to stand up (without hanging on to or pushing up off anything). She actually manages to stand but only stays vertical for a few seconds...
My poor boy... Aiden has some kind of lurgy and so has spent most of today feeling rather miserable. I don't think I've ever seen him this lethargic... the fact that he sat still long enough to lie on the lounge under a doona speaks volumes.
Megan's way of trying to cheer up Aiden...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Talking to Opa

Aiden on his 3rd birthday chatting to Opa on the phone... he just doesn't get that the person on the other end can't see what he sees...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Perth Zoo with Oma & Opa

Photos from Oma & Opa's visit almost a year ago...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day - Part II

Today (the real Mother's Day) was all about ME, ME, ME! Fortunately, Megan woke this morning about 4.30am (I hear you gasp in horror) but this turned out to be a good thing... she made some noise for about 15 minutes or so then actually managed to put herself back to sleep. She then proceeded to sleep until about 8am... which meant that Dave & I got a sleep-in till 7am (that is truly bliss in this household). Dave then cooked his famous pancake breakfast before my beautiful children bestowed me with my Mother's Day gifts.

I am a VERY lucky girl... the kids gave me this bracelet

Aiden made these at daycare
I wouldn't be the mother I am without my amazing husband

Mother's Day - Part I

Hank & Vicki flew back home on Saturday night so we had to celebrate Mother's Day a day early. Of course we couldn't have a celebration without my mum too.

I couldn't really wrap the presents or put the cards in an envelope so I had both mums cover their eyes while I set their presents up in front of them:

I think they were both pretty chuffed with their gifts

It ended up a really nice day - a great way to spend Mother's Day and a great way to farewell Hank & Vicki.

Look what I made...

These were the cards and notebooks I made for Vicki (top photo) and my mum (bottom photo) for Mother's Day. We also got a pink and blue parker pen respectively, engraved with Oma & Nana.

ABBA Tragic

The other night Hank, Vicki, Dave & myself were watching a show on TV about ABBA. Hank made a comment about how much he liked them and so under the disguise that it was for him I downloaded the ABBA Number Ones album. Don't tell anyone but I LOVE it! I've never really listened to them very much in the past but right now I am groovin' to their catchy tunes. It is sad to say but I am now an ABBA tragic...

I'm so clever!

Yes that's the Toot-Toot of my own horn...

Vicki, my very crafty and talented mother-in-law, took it upon herself to domesticate me... by teaching me to knit! I impressed myself with my general ability to knit, however, without Vicki I couldn't have cast-on, cast-off or sewn the whole thing together (which I must give her the credit for doing for me). Anyway, the final result of my knitting is this funky poncho for Megan:

Unfortunately for my mother I have now got the knitting bug and have threatened to make her a scarf... and of course she will be obliged to wear it even if it does look dodgy!

Another reason why Aiden loves his Opa

Out for lunch

Last Monday we made the most of Aiden being at daycare (and so not with us) with a trip down to the Rockingham foreshore for lunch. We all had a nice meal in a restaurant located right on the waterfront - that's Garden Island on the horizon behind Hank.

Miss Megan was an absolute angel... with the staff gooing ang gaaing over her and bringing her marshmallows and bikkies. I thought she looked so grown up in these photos:

Play time with Opa after lunch

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The beach & Aiden

This was Aiden's fun - belly flopping into the water

The beach & Megan

For Megan the beach is about:
1) following Aiden everywhere until he splashes her and then trying to get away from him as quickly as possible
2) eating as much sand as her little belly can hold (she ate a SERIOUSLY large amount of sand)