Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
We had a bad night last night - Megan went without a feed for the first time EVER (woohoo!) but of course she didn't know how to settle herself without the sedative effect of the feed. This meant that I was up at around 4am and it took me an hour and a half to get her back to sleep. Due to the lack of sleep I couldn't be bothered getting the kids ready for playgroup first thing this morning and so of course I felt guilty... so I made up for it with a quick trip to the local playground.
Playground Part II
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Scrapbook Pages
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Lazy day Wednesday
Mondays & Tuesdays are very busy with Aiden at daycare and Megan & I running around doing 'stuff' so Wednesdays has become our quiet, stay at home day. What do we do on days like today? We play with Mr Potato Head! Aiden & I were entertained for quite some time this morning - him dressing the potatoes and me photographing them... see the pictures below for a peek into the world of our somewhat dysfunctional Potato family:.jpg)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Part III
This morning we had the third installment of birthday celebrations. There was ANOTHER rendition of the 'Happy Birthday' song with more cake of course. Grandad and Grandma gave a Aiden a cool bicycle:
Dave & Aiden were heading off to the playground for Aiden's first ride. If you look closely you can see a BIG grin on Aiden's face:.JPG)
Dave & Aiden were heading off to the playground for Aiden's first ride. If you look closely you can see a BIG grin on Aiden's face:
We were actually brave enough to attempt to take the whole family out for dinner last night. We took Nana along for extra backup... We did in fact have a nice pasta dinner before heading to the icecream shop. Megan hasn't tried icecream before but with her sweet tooth I was expecting she'd to like it.
We put a little bit of icecream on her lips so she could taste it. This is what she did after the initial taste:.JPG)
Apparently Aiden enjoyed his too:
We put a little bit of icecream on her lips so she could taste it. This is what she did after the initial taste:
Apparently Aiden enjoyed his too:
Funky Shoes
Finally Megan is coming to the age where I can start buying all those pretty girl's shoes. Of course I've already been out and got her some REALLY cute pink & white Dunlop Volleys (Yep they make them THAT small) but sure enough the first time I break them out to wear I discover they are miles too big. So I raided the box of Aiden's old shoes to find these sneakers - they matched her outfit much better than the pink ones....JPG)
...and why does she need to wear shoes? To eat them of course!.JPG)
...and why does she need to wear shoes? To eat them of course!
Happy 3rd Birthday Part II
The festivities didn't end with mum's group. When daddy got home from work there was a whole swag more presents to be opened and Nana came for a visit too. Here is the cool bouncy ball thingy she gave him:
Another rendition of the 'Happy Birthday' song with the sad remnants of the earlier cake:
What birthday would be complete without a phone call from his beloved Oma & Opa. Here he is talking to Opa:.JPG)
Here he is showing Opa the Pirate Pete game he got:.JPG)
Here he is showing Opa the dinosaur book that Oma & Opa gave him:.JPG)
What birthday would be complete without a phone call from his beloved Oma & Opa. Here he is talking to Opa:
Here he is showing Opa the Pirate Pete game he got:
Here he is showing Opa the dinosaur book that Oma & Opa gave him:
No he doesn't get that you can't see these things through the phone!
Happy 3rd Birthday!
Thursday was a BIG day for Aiden - he turned 3 years old. This is what greeted him in the morning:
The pink wrapping contained a box of Mr Potato Head creatures:
Meet the newest members of our family:
We had mum's group at at our house and Aiden had an awesome time. Of course there was a birthday cake - check out the smile on his face when we were singing 'Happy Birthday' to him:
The winds of change are blowin'...
What do you think of my blog? My friend Kerri just started her own blog and when I saw the funky colours she used I decided to give my page a revamp. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
1 sleep to go!
That's what I mistakenly told Aiden this morning. When we were having breakfast I was explaining that tomorrow was his birthday which was only one more sleep away. I then explained that he would be three years old to which his response was, "no, I'm not old". Anyhow, our conversation came back to haunt me when he woke up from his daytime nap... and his first words were, "it's my birthday! Can we have my birthday cake?". Yep... silly mummy forgot about the daytime sleep and so had to tell him NOW it was 1 sleep to go.
We aren't having a birthday party for Aiden but our Mum's group is here tomorrow so we will have a birthday cake and let all the kids take a turn blowing out the candles (all the kids birthdays are in March). Here are all the presents ready for tomorrow...
We aren't having a birthday party for Aiden but our Mum's group is here tomorrow so we will have a birthday cake and let all the kids take a turn blowing out the candles (all the kids birthdays are in March). Here are all the presents ready for tomorrow...
Rev heads
Dave was 'driving' around the living area with Megan and as soon as he started going bbbbbrrrrmmm she copied with the same noise. If you look closely at the first photo you can see her bbbbbrrrrmmmm lips.
Fangin' it round the corner
How much does she love it when daddy plays with her? Just check out that smile.
Fangin' it round the corner
Like a tiger
We were starting to despair that Aiden would never be toilet trained. It seemed like every other kid his age was either fully trained or on the way yet up until recently he wouldn't have a bar of it. Thankfully, in the last couple of weeks he has come leaps and bounds and is now wearing jocks most of the time. As part of the process we introduced a reward chart so he would get a stamp for each good behaviour. When he fills up a row of 5 then he gets a present. As you can imagine this has lead to an over supply of presents. Aiden, however, thinks it's fantastic. When I went shopping the other day I saw some kids tattoos so on the extra special occasions he gets one instead of a stamp. In these photos he's just received a tiger tattoo. The faces he is pulling is actually him growling like a tiger....JPG)
Happy Birthday Part II
Daddy's birthday was much more exciting once he actually got home from work... I'm glad that I hadn't intended his birthday cake to be a big surprise because the second he opened the door Aiden went racing up to him yelling something about making him a cake! Anyhow, here are the photos of Daddy getting his very special birthday cake:
Check out Megan's eyes - she's really not sure about that cake
Megan still not sure
I'm not much of a cake maker - I bake muffins, loaves, slices, but not cakes. This was in fact a cheat's cake - it was a Chocolate Chill Cake which is pretty much a layer of chocolate mousse frozen on top of a biscuit base. As you can see it was a bit messy to eat.
Check out Megan's eyes - she's really not sure about that cake
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