Saturday, July 28, 2007

Meeting Megan

These are the pics taken when Aiden first came to hospital to meet 'the baby'. He was really quite sweet giving her a cuddle (although very quick) and a kiss. About two minutes after this he was back to being a can't-sit-still 2 year old...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Megan Skye

Yes I actually found some time to scrap... even if it was only in chunks of 10-15 minute time slots over the past two weeks. I am very excited about being able to use lots of girly/flowery papers now (only another scrapbooker would understand).
These photos are the very first ones taken of Megan after she was born.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Not even 4 weeks old

How strong is this little girl's neck?? A couple of days ago I thought I would try her on her belly and not surprisingly she managed quite well to lift her head up. I suppose this isn't really any shock to us since a short time after she was born the nurse put her on my chest and sure enough she lifted her head to check me out. These pics show that she is still a bit wobbly though...

Thanks Aunty Mel

How cute is this? Aunty Mel (who lives in Brisbane) sent this way cool pair of overalls for Megan. Surprisingly, I am definitely getting the hang of all these pink outfits, especially funky ones like this hot pink number

Dress Ups

On the weekend we went for a family get together to Brett, Cassie & Charlotte's house. Charlotte has a big stash of dress up clothes which the two kids got into... and as you can see Aiden likes to wear the tiara (a photo sure to come out at his 18th/21st birthday!) Hmmmm... not too sure if this photo bodes ill for the future? Is he showing signs of being a Tigers supporter? (Tigers = Daddy's beloved Richmond team). I should counteract this by getting him a Docker's outfit to dress up in BUT I'm too worried he'd get beaten up if seen in public wearing purple overalls...

Friday, July 13, 2007

More kisses & cuddles for Megan

My best friend...

Here are some much awaited photos of my closest friend, Cassie, with Megan. Unfortunately with a room full of visitors at the hospital and Cassie subsequently getting the flu, she missed out on having a good cuddle in Megan's first days. We finally managed a get together today and Aiden & Charlotte also got to make up for lost time (see the blog post below). This pic is a bit blurry (sack the photographer!) but I thought it was a nice shot nonetheless.

Charlotte & Aiden

The kids canoodling on the couch...

Megan gets to join the love fest

Monday, July 9, 2007

Doom's Day

Yep that's what I'm calling today. My hired help (Hank & Vicki) have left us and Dave has finally gone back to work. So after 7 weeks of always having somebody home with us it's now just me and not one but TWO kids. Aaaarrrrggghhhh! What a scary thought.
Sure enough the day started pretty badly. Megan actually had an OK night until she woke at 2am for a feed, then again at 4am and then again at 6am. She then proceeded to scream for the next 4 hours - everytime I got her to sleep she would wake up when I put her into her cot. It seems that she is a colicky baby having random bouts of screaming for hours on end. Fingers crossed we sort out the problem in the near future...
Aiden is doing surprisingly well considering his beloved Opa left him and now Daddy has disappeared too. The poor boy is spending a lot of time in front of the television while I get through this adjustment period of having two kids demanding pretty much all my time and attention. Hopefully tomorrow we will catch up with some other kids from our Mum's group and he can have some quality 'play time'.
I have included some photos below - it is hard getting interesting pics as babies tend to just lie there not doing much and Aiden won't sit still for long enough to get a photo...
Daddy having cuddles with Megan
I like these two photos of Megan because for once she is looking relaxed and hasn't got her face all screwed up.

Aiden is still playing the role of loving brother. When he gets out of bed his first question is usually about Megan. Aren't my two kids pretty cute?
Luckily we managed to get Aiden to sit still for the photo above before he reverted back to a boisterous 2 year old - we have a lot of pics like this where he is just a blur moving out of the shot.